Posts tagged Logentries

7 min IT Ops

Logging in a Software Defined Network

Background 本博客将概述软件定义网络(SDN),并介绍一些 关于登录SDN的建议,最后给出一些概述 research work we are doing on SDN logging. 如果我们把软件定义网络(SDN)范式看作是一个赛马场,那么SDN controllers are race cars. Networking vendors especially those in the 电信领域如德国电信、Orange、沃达丰等使用自己的 SDN控制器来管理自己设备的编排

4 min IT Ops


迟早,您的组织可能会成为IT审计的对象. 尽管这听起来很不吉利,但它并不需要让人害怕. If 你是一名网络管理员,你将在审计中扮演特定的角色. Since 审计很少是小项目,您可能会与其他人一起工作 throughout the process. The best way to fulfill your specific role well is to be prepared for an audit before it happens. Simply put, an audit is an examination to determine if controls are suff

4 min IT Ops

Log Analysis for System Troubleshooting

所有类型的系统都会不断地产生大量的日志数据. In searching 为了找出挖掘和分析这些数据的最令人信服的理由,我们编制了一份 list of seven reasons that usually drive such activity. In this blog post we tackle the first of those 7, which include: 1. System troubleshooting 2. Security incident response 3. Security troubleshooting 4. Performance troubleshooting 5. Understanding user behavior or activities 6. Compliance with security policies 7. Complianc

8 min IT Ops

Roots and Culture: Logging and the Telephone Bill

在因特网出现之前,电话系统就是因特网. Think about it. 到1920年,数百万人通过互联网在全球网络上交换数据 device that connected on demand. Sounds like the Internet to me. 但与现在的互联网不同,电话系统需要花钱使用. Alexander Graham Bell’s investors wanted it that way. That’s why they gave him the money. 因此,使用电话系统的人必须付费. So going as far back as 1877, every mont

6 min IT Ops

5 Rules of Pair Programming Etiquette

I like Pair Programming []. I’ve been doing it episodically for about 10 years. Whenever I’ve pair programmed, at 在会议结束时,我总是能比之前更出色地离开 started. 然而,当两人一起编程时,这种做法可能代价高昂 are not efficient. When a lot of friction exists between the two coders 所涉及的成本可能超过单个程序员尝试散列的两倍 things out on his or her ow

2 min IT Ops

Java 8 - Lazy argument evaluation

Overview “I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job. Because he will find an easy way to do it” – Bill Gates Lazy evaluation is an evaluation strategy [] which delays the evaluation of an expression until its value is needed. The opposite of this is eager 在这种情况下,表达式一旦绑定到 variable.[wikipedia []] Like most imperative programming l

4 min IT Ops

Logs To Understand User Activity and Behavior

记录用户活动是了解用户正在做什么以及如何做的好方法 they are using network and computing resources. Collecting data from the 立场的用户身份或登录是一个伟大的方式来关联各种 信息也包括客户机或工作站活动、网络和服务器 access, and application usage. This provides a unique opportunity to make use of Logentries’ [

6 min IT Ops

The Value of Correlation IDs

在过去,当事务行为发生在单一领域时,在 一步一步的过程,跟踪请求/响应行为很简单 undertaking. 然而,今天一个对特定域的请求可能涉及一个 无数从起始域到其他域的后续异步请求. 例如,你向Expedia发送请求,但在幕后,Expedia是 forwarding your request as a message to a message broker. Then that message is consumed by a hotel, airline

5 min IT Ops


I want to share something with you that is pretty amazing. But, before I do, allow me to provide the backstory. The Backstory I’ve been using Open Source Software (OSS) for a while now. I started with the big ones, Apache [], Maven [], MySQL [], etc…. But, as time went on and my work became more specialized, I started using smaller projects. When you use the big projects 比如Maven和Apache,还有大量的书籍和视频

5 min IT Ops

Solving the expression problem

如果您查看任何基于oo的非平凡代码库,您将[希望] 找到很好理解的行为形式和封装通过有效的 使用多态性——或者通过接口将调用代码从对象中解耦 类型的实现,或通过子类型共享多个类型的公共代码. 以静态类型语言(如Java)为例,让我们看一下 Map接口及其在标准库中的一些实现: A receiving method which

3 min InsightOps

宣布InsightOps -领先的端点可见性和日志分析

我们在Rapid7的使命是解决复杂的安全和IT挑战 simple, innovative solutions. Late last year Logentries joined the Rapid7 family to help to drive this mission. The Logentries technology itself had been 旨在向世界展示日志数据的力量,并建立了一个社区 5万用户的基础上,我们的实时,易于使用,但功能强大 log management [] and analytics engine. Today we are

5 min IT Ops

Node.js as a Proxy to

从web应用程序的客户端进行日志记录似乎是一个挑战.  The web browser exposes everything to the user.  There is no way to hide 从窥探者的眼睛传递给客户端的任何东西,包括您的日志令牌到 your Logentries [ = nodejs_as_a_proxy-logentries_blog-post_cta-create_trial&utm_campaign=nodejs_as_a_proxy&utm_source=logentries_blog&utm_medium=post_cta&utm_content=create_trial] log.  There is no relia

4 min IT Ops

Goodbye to the VCR: Rewinding Down Memory Lane

VHS磁带是一种神奇的东西,在点播的世界里是陌生的 media.  It represented a promise of entertainment. A promise only realized when 将磁带装入播放器并按下播放按钮. There was an air 每个视频都让人兴奋,你永远无法完全确定 what the video contained. 就在这个月,当我读到有关录像机的报道时,我想起了它的神秘 final demise.  船井电气,最后一个主要的录像机制造商,

3 min IT Ops

Widely-used Android App Leaks MS Exchange Credentials

In October, Rapid7 researchers [ - 2016 - 21 - 9 -文件夹-证书验证漏洞cve - 2016 - 2533) 发现了Nine移动应用程序中的一个重大漏洞 [] for Android. 坦率地说,这个应用程序泄露微软Exchange用户凭证,加上 邮件信封和附件,邮箱同步数据,日历条目 and tasks to attac

4 min IT Ops


Here at Logentries [ = online_algorithm-logentries_blog-post_cta-create_trial&utm_campaign=online_algorithm&utm_source=logentries_blog&utm_medium=post_cta&utm_content=create_trial] 我们不断增加分析日志生成数据的选项. The query language ‘LEQL’ [] has a number 统计函数和最近增加的新标准